Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of West Lancashire
The Winter Gardens, Spanish Hall, Church Street, Blackpool. FY1 1HU
Thursday 27th April 2023 2pm
A special day to look forward to, this special meeting which only comes round once a year under the guidance of our own PGM R.W Bro. Keith Alan Beardmore assisted by his trusty Acting officers, and the Provincial Secretariat.
Set off early as usual, no hold ups to speak of even the on ramp wasn’t too bad, having said that the traffic on the opposite side of the M61 where it joins the M60 was tailed back for miles, and I mean miles. Arrived in good time at 9.30, signed in and made my way to the hall to find the Prov D.C. W.Bro. Arthur Robinson and his team already working hard on the Ceremony proceedings. There was a terrific atmosphere, lots of smiles and genuine handshakes of pleased to see you, then it was my turn to join in as one of the escorts for the newly appointed Deputy Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Giles Berkley.
Once the DC’s were happy, we had a break and went to you know where for a sausage roll and coffee.
The meeting commenced on time at 2pm, Worshipful Master’s or their Representatives from all parts of the Province were welcomed followed by a deputation of Worshipful Commanders. Our PGM was Saluted before time was taken by all present to remember those, we have lost over the past twelve months. The Deputy PGM was appointed and Invested and then two new Asst PGM’s V.W. Geoffrey Bury and W.Bro. David Winder were appointed and Invested.
The high esteem which our PGM is held was pretty obvious when other distinguished Brethren were  saluted, this included Thirteen PGM’s, yes Thirteen PGM’s from all over the country, the only place I have seen this many in one place is at Grand Lodge meetings in London. The meeting continued as per the summons, the Provincial officers for the year were appointed and invested before being saluted. A vote of thanks to the Provincial Secretaries, the Captain of the Stewards, the Master and Brethren of Walton Mark Lodge No. 161 and Philadelphia Lodge of Installed Master’s No. 1646 for the hard work and arrangements made for the meeting to take place.
Any other business relating to the Province was dealt with and then Provincial Grand Lodge was closed, the National Anthem followed and then the parade from the meeting accompanied by the always excellent music played for us by W,Bro. Haynes took place. If you have never attended this once-a-year meeting put it in your Diary for next year, come along with your friends and have a good day out, I’m positive you will enjoy it.
“The Magic of the Mark”  
An excellent meal was served up by the very efficient and friendly staff, several Toasts and Responses were given and all were well received, lots of friendly chat and laughter around the tables until all too soon it was over, yes it was a long day but you could tell on saying their goodbyes that everyone enjoyed it and like me looked forward to their next Mark or Royal Ark Mariner Meeting to see old friends and those that they have yet to meet.
Mark Well
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher. PGJD
Let the Pictures Do The Talking
Go to Part Two